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August 3: Back to School Bash

August 12: Meet the Teacher Night 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm; Meet the Eagles Night

August 15: First Day of Schoo/Early Dismissal

August 16: Early Dismissal


Sept. 2: School Holiday

Sept 4: Author Visit 1st – 4th Grade; Spirit Day – Wear a Safety Vest

Sept 9: Goodies with Grandparents

Sept 12: Spirit Day – Team Jersey Day

Sept 16 – 20: Homecoming Week

Monday: Hawaiian Day

Tuesday: Class Colors

Wednesday: Preppy Day

Thursday: Country Western Day

Friday: School Colors

Sept. 26: Spirit Day – Crazy Sock Day

Sept. 30: Professional Development Day


Oct. 1: Elementary Picture Day

Oct. 11: 1st Grade Field Trip

Oct. 18: Pre-K Field Trip


Nov. 20: 4th Grade Field Trip (group 1)

Nov. 21: 4th Grade Field Trip (group 2)