At Valley View ISD, our students' and staff's safety and well-being are a top priority. We are committed to creating a secure, nurturing environment where everyone can thrive. From comprehensive safety protocols to proactive measures, we prioritize always maintaining a safe campus. Together, we work diligently to uphold the highest safety and security standards for the entire school community.
All visitors must register with the front office before accessing the building. This is currently done with the IDentaKid System, which checks federal offender databases.
All staff wear ID badges while on district property.
We have 176 cameras to monitor activity. These cameras are on the interior and exterior of every school and allow district staff to monitor activities in and around buildings 24 hours a day.
Each school has a secured entrance vestibule to screen visitors before entering the building.
Exterior building doors are locked and monitored.
In addition, staff are trained to teach with their classroom doors locked and closed.
The district partners closely with the local police departments. We have two armed school resource officers patrolling VVISD campuses.
These officers provide security, counseling, and education.
Each campus conducts a variety of emergency preparedness training sessions, such as:
Texas Education Code Ch. 37.108 requires that districts audit buildings and resources at least once every three years, with the results reported to the school board and the state at the end of the three-year cycle.